Camp Kanesatake


Services:Camp Kanesatake is a non-denominational ministry for Christ, whose purpose is to proclaim the Gospel and to edify the Christian. The camp's Memorial Lounge has recently been refurbished to funcation as a year round retreat building. It can sleep up to 43 people (bunk beds). It has a meeting room, a fully equipped kitchen, and 4 full bathrooms.

Distance from Campus:> 10 minute walk

Address:PO Box 11
Spruce Creek, PA 16683

Other:Camp Kanesatake is a ministry of Central Pennsylvania Christian Institute. Additional information about the camp can be found by contacting the CPCI offices at:
2020 Cato Ave.
State College, PA 16801
814-237-9857 or Toll free at: (888) 414-CAMP (2267)