Puppets With a Purpose

Type:Performing Arts Group

Services:Puppets with a Purpose is a Christian-based youth ministry of the Central Pennsylvania Christian Institute (CPCI), whose purpose is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with fellow Christians and to bring the "Good News" of God's love and his plan of salvation to those who have not yet heard ... all through the use of puppets!.

Hours:Contact Jane Pierzga at jmp141@psu.edu or call (814)692-4720 in the evenings for scheduling information

Distance from Campus:> 10 minute walk

Address:2020 CATO Avenue
State College, PA 16802
Phone:(814) 692-4720

  • The Puppets with a Purpose puppet team is an ongoing, Christ-centered ministry that strives to encourage Christians in their faith and to share the gospel with non-Christians inviting them to accept God's gift of salvation.
  • The Puppets with a Purpose team strives to promote Christian growth in its membership through a continuing development of a stronger personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • The Puppets with a Purpose team works primarily with regional churches and social organizations while remaining open and receptive to the leading of the Holy Spirit into other areas of service.