Faith Baptist Church

Organization Type:

Meeting Time(s) and Location(s):Sunday School: 9:00 AM
Morning Worship Service: 10:15 AM
Evening Worship Service: 6:00 PM

Wednesday Evening Prayer Service: 7:00 PM

Ministries--all of our ministries are designed to supplement (not supplant) the believer's daily walk with the Lord. Also, we desire to be "family-friendly;" that is, we encourage families to minister together as the Lord leads. Some of our ministries are as follows:

Campus Bible Fellowship--a fellowship at Penn State which seeks to disciple students in their personal and corporate relationship with Jesus Christ. Meets Mondays at 7:30 PM in the Memorial Lounge of the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center.

Ladies' and Men's Fellowships--women meeting with women and men with men for special fellowship and prayer

PrimeTimers--senior saints enjoying the Lord and one another

Sonshine Club--a special meeting on Wednesday nights for boys and girls (age 4 through 6th grade) to learn about the love of God and have fun

Youth--study and activities designed to train young men and women in being fully-armored servants of the Lord Jesus Christ

Distance from Campus:> 10 minute walk

Mission Statement:
We desire to bring Glory to God by:
  • promoting the true worship of Him
  • preserving, protecting, and promoting the truth of God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures
  • preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ both here in State College and abroad
  • sharing together in the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper
  • encouraging and equipping one another unto holy living in joyful anticipation of Christ's return

Statement of Faith:
We believe that:
  • the Bible is God's true and trustworthy Word to mankind
  • the triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) miraculously created the heavens and Earth by His Word and for His Glory
  • God created mankind in His own image to know, love, and glorify Him
  • all of us (beginning with Adam and Eve) are guilty of disobeying God's holy Law, and thus justly deserve God's Judgment of Death
  • God the Son incarnate, Jesus Christ the Lord, bore our guilt and God's judgment when He was crucified on the Cross, making full atonement for our sin
  • Jesus Christ, bodily resurrected on the third day, is the only Savior, saving all who come to Him in true repentance and faith
  • all who believe in the Lord Jesus as Savior are born again to a secure new life of discipleship within the Church of Christ
  • Jesus is coming again --Maranatha!

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