Mt. Nittany United Methodist Church

Organization Type:

Meeting Time(s) and Location(s):Sunday Worship Experience: 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM
Christian Education Class at 9:45 AM

Distance from Campus:> 10 minute walk

Mission Statement:
    Our mission is to provide a setting in which worship may be celebrated in a joyous manner, minister to those in need, create opportunities for social ministries, provide outreach to the unchurched, create an environment which fosters discipleship in Jesus Christ, and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed.

Vision Statement:
    To be a welcoming and inclusive family, meeting spiritual and physical needs of all, through teaching, witnessing, service and missions.

Statement of Faith:
    We believe in God who created all things. We believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, who died on the cross to pay the price for our sins; he conquered death and gives eternal life to those who believe in him; he will come again. We believe in the Holy Spirit who dwells with us to be our Comfort and our Guide. Scripture, tradition, experience and reason provide the foundation of our beliefs with Scripture as primary importance.

How to find out more about this organization: