Reformed University Fellowship International

Organization Type:

Meeting Time(s) and Location(s):Small group meetings are held throughout the week. Please contact us for meeting times and locations.

Distance from Campus:< 10 minute walk

Mission Statement:
Whether it’s getting a raise at work, the birth of a child, or crossing something off your bucket list, good news demands to be told. What God has done and is doing in the world finds its clearest expression in the society of God’s people called the church. RUF exists to announce and demonstrate to the world the words and work of Jesus. In addition, we strive to provide the basis for the transformation of the world and the “healing of the nations.”


Simply put, “Reformed,” describes the biblical convictions of historic Christianity. The movement of the church which sought to renew these convictions afresh ministered the Christian gospel under the banners of “Faith Alone,” “Grace Alone,” “Scripture Alone,” "Christ Alone," and “To God Alone Be The Glory.” In calling ourselves “Reformed” we claim the same banners for our work.


More than just a ministry on the university campus, RUF seeks to be a ministry for the university. We strive to serve in this unique stage of a student’s life in the world they live in, exploring together how the Lordship of Christ informs every area of life.


All human problems originate from our alienation from God, and those problems show up vividly in broken relationships with one another. God’s answer to human alienation is the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, and His answer to disintegrated relationships is the church of Jesus. RUF is the arm of this restorative people reaching out to the college campus.

Vision Statement:
This ministry began in the fall of 2015. We exist to WELCOME Penn State scholars from all nations, help them EXPLORE the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and EQUIP Christian internationals to be servant-leaders for God's Kingdom.

Statement of Faith:
In all that we do on campus, RUF seeks to be honest. We don’t assume a “generic Christianity,” but sincerely embrace the system of doctrine set down in a historical document called The Westminster Confession of Faith. This also means that we are open about our affiliation. RUF is the official campus ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America.

RUF wants to create a fellowship of students where every person, regardless of background, personal history, or conviction, can examine the truth claims of Reformed Christianity in a non-threatening atmosphere. Our fellowship on campus is not limited to those who have a prior commitment to being Reformed, Presbyterian or even Christian.

How to find out more about this organization: