Phyrst Church

Organization Type:

Meeting Time(s) and Location(s):Services are held every Sunday evening starting at 7:00 PM at The Phyrst bar downtown.

Services are open to those under 21. There is a designated place for under 21s to sit.

Distance from Campus:< 10 minute walk

Mission Statement:
    Our Desire is to love people extravagantly, to share our faith, hope, love and lives with others in authentic and genuine relationships for the sake of the Kingdom.

    We are not encouraging beer drinking...we are going to where people drink beer, and speaking of hope and Jesus. We want to be with people, in their environments. Our point is "Jesus goes to people", not "let's drink for Jesus". We do not want to combine alcohol with God; we want to combine Jesus with people...all kinds of people. We are against drunkenness because it hurts people (same reason Jesus is against drunkenness); but we love people, drunk or not.

    We are not asking people to participate who have a conscious against any use of alcohol. We are trying to take hope into an environment that is lacking hope. We know that we must be sensitive of those who have been injured by alcohol and by no means do we wish to enable them to stumble.

Vision Statement:
    We were a people who attended church. Now, we are a church who attends people.

How to find out more about this organization: